The enterprise of Sami Honey for Agribusiness/beekeeping is owned by Sami Mirkhan Mohahamad, who has a broad experience in the business of beekeeping and honey production. The bees are kept in different locations in Amedi district, Barwary villages and Gara mountain. The enterprise has been offered a loan of $9,800 with zero interest, as well as various TVET in order to develop and expand the business. It’s worth mentioning that the business owner and the enterprise staff/workers will also be engaged in Social Cohesion sessions to create a positive working environment.
TVET in 2020
TVET in 2020
2020 2022
Staff/workers in 2020
Staff/workers in 2021
Profit in 2020
Profit in 2021
Purchased with the seasonal loan
Protection Suits
Land Rent
Sami Honey intends to expand and develop the beekeeping business and after receiving the loan and increasing the number of beehives and purchasing new beekeeping equipment and tools, an increment in the annual profit of the project is expected to be seen at the end of the year, as well as creating more opportunities for people from different backgrounds to work within the business.